About Me


I’m Catherine. Language learner, travel fanatic, blogging novice, book worm, list writer, vintage dress maker, Bake Off mega-fan, salsa dancer, emoji lover. You could say I’m all of those things; but, put simply, I’m a 22 year old from Salisbury (in the south west of England) currently studying French and Spanish at the University of Southampton.

I was inspired to begin writing this blog as, like many other languages students, I was lucky enough 13567271_10209781582246851_8798754470020634988_nto have the chance to spend a year living and working abroad, as part of my course. Sadly my adventures in Spain have come to end end (for now!), and I’m instead faced with the horrors of looming finals exams and then actually having to enter the adult world…

Many of my blog posts will still look back over my time in Spain, as I continue to retrospectively document my experiences of pueblo life 13592674_10209781575086672_83668502389184403_nand my travels across Andalucía, however I will also be branching out into a variety of other topics, depending on where my inspiration takes me. No doubt final year will give me plenty to talk about, so you can look forward to following me in my struggle to figure out the answers to those big old classics such as “what do I want to do with my life?” and “will I ever feel like a grown up?” amongst others (hides under duvet at the thought).

13407039_10209611717440337_1805490596072679752_nBut not to worry, I haven’t given up entirely on the flamenco or the fiestas just yet; and if the big, scary adult world gets just too much, I feel safe in the knowledge that I can always book myself onto the next cheap Ryanair flight to Málaga, for a life of sun, sea and tinto de verano

Here’s to the next chapter! So let the adventure continue…

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